Top 6 digital marketing trends for 2022

As a marketer, your job is never dull, as you have to constantly consider and adjust your strategies on a regular basis. Trends change and your work should, too.

However, it’s difficult to distinguish the difference between long-term evolution of existing marketing techniques and true trends that will transform the digital marketing environment in a few years.

Is Instagram’s supermacy a new digital marketing trend or just a natural progression? I would say that it is the outcome of long-term marketing strategies rather than a new trend.

What are the genuine new digital marketing trends that will set you apart from your competitors, vs those that are just an attempt to create a well-positioned SEO blog post?

What are the emerging digital marketing trends?

I’ve put together a list of 6 emerging digital marketing trends for 2022 that will help you stay ahead of the competition and grow your brand.

Keep in mind that these are forecasts based on current marketing trends. Never forget the golden rules, which have stood the test of time and have consistently proven to be effective.

The new trends, on the other hand, are an excellent way to differentiate your brand and put you ahead of the competition. You have a higher chance of being found if you catch on early enough.


1.Make video marketing a priority.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the “mobile first” concept, which has been around for a few years. Video streaming on smartphones and tablets is now easier than ever thanks to 5G and improved mobile data rates.

That is how TikTok came to be so famous in the first place. You can record your video wherever you want, but you can also watch it whenever you want. When mobile data plans were restricted to megabytes of Internet rather than gigabytes, it was far more costly.

Also, people enjoy watching videos.

Without a question, video marketing will be one of the most important digital marketing trends in 2022. If you haven’t already, you should think about adding marketing videos to your digital strategy.

2. Analyse the sentiment on social media.

Have you noticed a decrease in social media influencer trust?

When it comes to promoting a certain product or boosting brand image, influencer marketing has long been the go-to strategy.

This began to shift a few years ago, and it peaked around the end of 2021.

Many Instagram celebrities’ problems have resulted in a trust issue. When it comes to influencer reviews, people are becoming more skeptical.

However, this does not mean that influencer marketing is useless.

Sentiment analysis will be a major changer in 2022. Many technologies will provide this feature, and sentiment analysis will continue to be in high demand in the future.

Natural Language Processing, or NLP, is the foundation for sentiment analysis. AI learns the ins and outs of human communication and determines if a comment published online is positive, negative, or neutral.

Detecting sarcasm or irony was an issue for the technology a few years ago, but it has subsequently improved. Many technologies can accurately identify ironic statements and classify them as negative comments.

3. It’s possible that voice search may finally catch on.

In 2019, several marketing experts predicted that voice search will be a digital marketing trend. However, it was not as well-liked as we had expected.

However, you might want to reconsider your marketing plan this year and add voice search optimization. Don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as you would think.

We, as marketers, have been working on content marketing and SEO for years, refining and optimizing blog posts to rank first in SERPs. Because search engines like Google still employ textual information to deliver results for verbal queries, optimizing for voice search is no different.

The downside is that it results in so-called zero-click searches, which can be unpleasant for digital marketers.

Unfortunately, voice search traffic cannot currently be analyzed using Google Analytics or Google Search Console. If that happens, it will be a watershed moment for digital marketers.

4. Personalise your message.

We leave a huge amount of data on the internet. Many of us, in turn, seek hyper-targeted personalisation. This marketing tactic cannot be overlooked while discussing digital marketing developments.

We want to see exactly the material we want at exactly the right time. That means tailoring your digital marketing message and delivering it at the proper time is essential.

The good news is that more customized messaging may be prepared. It’s also really simple. Whether it’s advertising with Google Ads or sending welcome emails with Mailchimp, several marketing platforms allow for automated personalisation.

Don’t forget to segment your users while developing your e-mail marketing plan. You may construct several subscription pop-ups and separate consumers into categories based on when and where they subscribed using sophisticated capabilities.

Don’t just target all of your fans when developing social media advertising. Consider the many sorts of customers who could be interested in your goods and build ad sets that are targeted to their tastes. Your click-through rate will rise.

But be cautious. When writing personalized messages, don’t be too precise. People want relevant advertisements, but they may be scared off if you demonstrate how much you know about their preferences.

5. Use micro-moments to your benefit.

Our attention span has been decreased as a result of the development of cellphones. We make snap decisions about what to eat, where to go, and what to buy. Keep it in mind when you develop your digital marketing plan.

These brief moments are referred to as micro-moments by Google, and they are divided into four categories:

I’d want to be aware of certain instances.

I’d want to spend some time with you.

I’d want to do certain things.

I’d want to purchase moments.

To match this new, fast-paced decision-making process, businesses must captivate the attention of readers in a matter of seconds.

According to a new Microsoft research, our attention span has decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to barely 8 seconds now. We’re as bad as a goldfish.

Personalization and advertisement targeting are intimately linked to micro-moments. You must be visible on the platforms where your consumers are present and invest in short advertising that answer the question that is being asked at the time.

What does this mean in terms of digital marketing? You can never be boring. Always consider how to spark your audience’s interest initially. If your ad is overly unclear, no one will have the time or inclination to look it through.

Discount advertising with nothing but a logo and information like “50 percent discount” are one of the most prevalent blunders I find in social media marketing. If you’re going to advertise to those who aren’t your following, at least show what things you’re offering. Make the potential customer guess as little as possible.

6. Searches with no clicks.

We all prefer to optimize for Google, but as you can see, highlighted snippets are becoming increasingly common in search inquiries.

That might be an issue for certain digital marketers, because they constantly want to rank #1 with their content, which means Google would most likely utilize a portion of it and display it right in the SERP. If that section of the material is significant to the user, they will most likely read it and never return to your site.

That might be an issue for certain digital marketers, because they constantly want to rank #1 with their content, which means Google would most likely utilize a portion of it and display it right in the SERP. If that section of the material is significant to the user, they will most likely read it and never return to your site

There isn’t much that can be done about it. You could want to rethink your content and put more emphasis on topics that require additional explanation. Examine how different search queries appear in Google and determine whether getting that highlighted snippet is worthwhile.

Now that you know the top 6 digital marketing trends for 2022, don’t be afraid to use the new and emerging marketing tools that will help you grow your brand.