Website design trends 2022

1.First off, the smartphone!

A new perspective to the web design

According to new research, by 2022, mobile traffic will account for 40% of global Internet traffic. So much so that it would surpass the computer!

How might we adapt our current habits to account for the new ones? Think about the design of the mobile version from the very beginning.

2.The combination of UI and UX

The purpose of the web designer in 2022 ? Fuse visual and practical amusement!

Working on the aesthetics of your interface (UI) without forgetting its ease of use (UX) is the guarantee of a successful alliance!

Navigation must be smooth and easy for the user, to make him want to browse the pages or even come again to your website

3.Dark Mode

Dare black as the paramount color!

Dark background + light elements (typography, logo, icons, images…), equal to Dark Mode.

This is the 2022 trend. His main song point? It further spotlight the elements of design : colors, visuals, typography, images…

It adds a touch of elegance to your design.  In addition,  it prevents eye strain and reduces your energy consumption!


Scrollytelling is an increasingly popular way to leverage digital interfaces and tell complex stories.

These visual effects aim to captivate audiences by serving them engaging content on a silver platter. Scrollytelling is also known as « narrative visualization » — a series of visual elements that are sequenced together and organized chronologically to convey a specific message to visitors.

Websites, like books, now allow you to navigate and control their flow in a personalized way by understanding that each user is unique and presenting messaging in intriguing ways.

The digital world is constantly changing, Webdesign is evolving and adapting to the user environment. These new trends make it possible to create a little virtual escape and create a better UI and UX for the visitors.